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Halo and Grosjean

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 7:45 am
by Badi
I think everybody watched what happnened to Grosjean.

Halo makes cars so uggly, but at this point at least one life was saved.

Only 3 races remaining for his F1 carreer to end and it happens..... He was involved in so many accidents and issues, but this one was near bizarre.

Grosjean seems to be a kind of Andrea de Cesaris of his era.....anyway.....Glad he is fine, and Halo has proved the utility.

What is going to change after it?

then starts discussions...!!!

Re: Halo and Grosjean

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 8:22 am
by smirkoff
It's not the first time Halo proved its worth, but for sure Grosjean's crash was the best demonstration of how important it is in this era of incredible fast cars. I love racing, but I don't want to see people dying in it (as I've seen for so many years...), so either Halo or Aeroscreen are welcome if they save lives. They're not aesthetically great, but I'm more than used to them now, and would build kits with them without problem.

What will change? I think the medical car crew must have closed helmets to help to get close to flames, and Safer Barriers could be widely adopted in road courses. I would suggest that the medical car could have a kind of "extinguisher gun" mounted on the roof to have a faster reaction to big fires.

Re: Halo and Grosjean

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 8:53 am
by stubeck
This is the first accident I remember in F1 where halo helped...but there are still lots of other areas where safety should be stepped up so we don't just depend on car safety to be improved when the underlying cause is another issue. Basic armco rails can't be the only barrier used when cars reach a certain speed. The halo saved Grosjeans life, but piss poor circuit design almost took it. This doesn't mean a circuit like Monaco will need to be redesigned, but there is better technology than armco for these areas that we knew was a problem in the 60s. Wide open tracks have proven once again that they are a liability, if Perez had been slowed down by gravel or another deterrent and not come back on track at such a high speed, the traffic jam of cars wouldn't have occurred and then Romain wouldn't have had the chance to make his move which caused the entire incident.

I really hope we take a step back to look at the causes of the incident and don't just look at the few seconds before the incident. We've had a lot of high speed accidents lately caused by poor circuit design. Its caused by a narrow review of an incident and not a full review of everything which led to the incident.

Re: Halo and Grosjean

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 9:01 am
by modellwerke
I think the HALO is worthwhile, but watching Stroll struggle to extract himself from an upturned car makes me think more needs to be done.

Re: Halo and Grosjean

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 10:09 am
by petrov27
its been said over and over that it was a miracle and to some extent it feels like that - the accident was so reminiscent of the most grim tragedies of F1 history where guardrails and/or fire were a factor in a fatality; to just see him pop up out of the midst of huge fire and jump over the rail was amazing.

I do fear that if he had been knocked unconscious or trapped in the wreckage that the result would have been more dire. It did not seem like the fire extinguishers were doing a whole lot to stem the flames. Maybe that is something that could be improved.

Re: Halo and Grosjean

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 10:38 am
by cbk57
I have watched thousands of hours of racing starting in the late 1980`s. I think this is the worst explosive fire I have ever seen. I was happy to see him get out alive and we are lucky it was not worse. Halo has saved another driver or two where a flying car hit the halo bar or debris hit the bar, I kind of think a flying Red Bull car might have been involved but forget now. I have actually seen people imply on line that the drivers are lesser today because they don`t take the risks of past drivers. I think this shows that safety must be the first concern of Motorsport, this is entertainment in the end. Eventually the law of averages is that we will find the week spot in any safety system.

Re: Halo and Grosjean

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 11:46 am
by Joaquin
FIA should apply a two races penalty to Grosjean. He will not run a F1 anymore so it would be enough to protect the others. He is creating Very dangerous situations since many years ago with stupid monoeuvres

Re: Halo and Grosjean

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 11:53 am
by Flinstone
The whole progress towards racing safety has helped to allow a brilliant outcome from such a horrific situation. We do not want to see people getting hurt. I do think that there was an element of luck though. Considering the tub was jammed in the barrier, it was very lucky that the tub appeared to be somewhat on its side and so gave the driver a way out. If it had remained upright, he may have had his exit blocked. Also the halo may have had to take the full force of the impact with the upper barrier.
I wondered if the flames were caused by the battery pack and not fuel as it remained very intense, but did not spread out in the way you would expect a liquid to do so.

Re: Halo and Grosjean

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 1:19 pm
by Badi
Joaquin wrote:FIA should apply a two races penalty to Grosjean. He will not run a F1 anymore so it would be enough to protect the others. He is creating Very dangerous situations since many years ago with stupid monoeuvres

Sad but true!

Re: Halo and Grosjean

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 8:03 pm
by Mr.Grumpy
i recall at least one other accident where the halo was credited with helping. i remember seeing tire marks across a halo but can’t remember who is was.

also, did you notice stroll’s car was sitting on the halo when upside down? i know the roll bar is there but when he went over the curb, which isn’t exactly flat, my feeling is the halo helped there too.