information about racingminiatures website

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RE: information about racingminiatures website

Post by lumpulus »

Ron, sounds like you need to make a or business. ;) :)

Seriously, a short message on the front page of your website would go a long way to letting people know what's going on, and would make much less work for you.
Speaking for myself ONLY, I'm big on customer service and "going the extra mile", and don't mind paying extra when I get that.
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RE: information about racingminiatures website

Post by racmin »

Hi Murilo,

I sent you an email yesterday so if you did not receive it then there is still a problem somewhere. Have you checked with your ISP to make sure that our domain is not blocked at their level? Sometimes it is not enough to just allow a domain at the level of your own computer as the ISP will block emails before they ever reach you. In any case I have also replied to your PM.


No need to make a choice. As I said, orders that have been placed and paid for have shipped as usual. The problem seems to be that our emails, especialy those confirming the order and shipping are not getting through to some people. I think I will add a message on the homepage about the email issue as you suggest and possibly another email somewhere in the middle of the order processing chain.


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Re: RE: information about racingminiatures website

Post by bestbalsakits »

racmin wrote: Sometimes it is not enough to just allow a domain at the level of your own computer as the ISP will block emails before they ever reach you.
And u can be damn sure ur isp don't give sh*t if you tell, ask, beg him... If someone knows isp who actually does, considder yurself lucky.

Wim (ok miranda?)
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Post by billgtp »

Everyones had the flu since June?( Stop it Bill be nice) I order and I payed for 4 sets of RB Motion valve stems in 1.12scale I recieved 1 set in 1/12 scale & 3 in 1/18 scale. I returned the three pre your email but have yet to recieve the sets I payed for.
I have always ordered direct from Robert before with never a problem. But felt I would give someone a chance that is on our(sorry its not our website) website.
Dealing in retail does suck at times because customers come first.My ex can tell you that.
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