Non modelling question

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Non modelling question

Post by tubegenius »

Having been a member of this wonderful forum for several years, I've noticed that a fair majority of members are "gentlemen of a certain age". I've been diagnosed with prostate cancer. This was caught early enough that "aggressive monitoring" has been sufficient for the past 2 years, but I am now borderline "medium risk". I've been talking to a number of 60 somethings about real world results of various treatments, but I'd like a larger database. If anyone has experience with radiation treatment or prostate removal, and would like to share privately their results, please PM me. I would greatly appreciate it, and rest assured that any replies will be entirely confidential. Thanks in advance, and forgive me if this post is inappropriate.
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Re: Non modelling question

Post by JamesB »

Wow! absolutely not unappropriate, my friend, and a big hug and a lot of support from here.
This is a group of friends, so sure someone will be able to contribute.
Warmest regards and my deepest good wishes, my friend.
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Re: Non modelling question

Post by Joaquin »

I can't help right now but best wishes from me
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Re: Non modelling question

Post by daveyman »

Not inappropriate at all, you're among friends here and if we can offer a bit of support then that's got to be good. I, fortunately, have no knowledge of the subject but wish you all the best.
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Re: Non modelling question

Post by tubegenius »

Thank you all for your best wishes. One member has already contacted me regarding his experience. It's been a great help already, and hopefully more will do so. You guys are the best!

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Re: Non modelling question

Post by Jordan2.0 »

Sorry to hear.I can't help but I sure can wish you the best,hang in there my friend.

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Re: Non modelling question

Post by marlborored »


I don't mind sharing this at all. I just completed chemotherapy and radiation following surgery for stage 3 rectal cancer.

Radiation effects were cumulative. I didn't feel any effects until several weeks into the daily treatments when I experienced some burning sensations to my lower back. Some of the effects from radiation show up on current CT scans.

An IV port was surgically implanted into my chest for chemotherapy. IV chemotherapy sessions followed up by daily chemotherapy pills were done in cycles. The IV port was convenient for the many blood draws during this period. During this time, your resistance to illness goes way down, as your white blood cell count will be really low. Be careful during this pandemic. Sitting in a three-hour IV chemotherapy session at the hospital with a room full of patients going through similar treatments, I felt was a very humbling experience. Surfing the web on a laptop helped pass the time. You will be told of foods to eat and foods to avoid during chemotherapy.

I just started a five-year window of surveillance following treatments with my oncologist.

There will be good days and bad days, and the best advice a nurse gave me was to take it one day at a time. Going through everything is a long process.

Following f1m daily keeps my spirits up, as I look forward to the daily postings.

Stay positive and best of luck to you!
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Re: Non modelling question

Post by PeteJ »

Very sorry to hear that you are going through this. It has been five year since I had the prostate surgically removed.

It was a decision I would make again, but I have a unique relationship with carcinoma. In my 20's I have a bout with a testicular tumor and went through radiation therapy. I spent 100 days in a hospital at the time and was relatively uncomfortable most of the time. I was lucky and survives but now in my 70's I am suffering some side effects of the radiation. The radiation damaged my heart. At the time, the doctors told me that radiation would age my heart 10 years. At twenty something, that didn't make much difference, but now I have a pacemaker and take 8 different medications a day. I struggle to walk 1 1/2 miles every day, but it helps keep me alive.

10 years ago, I had thyroid cancer and surgical removal with a course of radio active iodine. This was the only viable option for me. Full on radiation treatments were not an option because of the radiation from my 20's. In fact it is possible that that was the cause of the thyroid issues.

About the same time that I had thyroid issues, I also was diagnosed with prostate cancer. With my prior experience, after reviewing more radiation therapy, radio active seed and chemo, I decided that I would be better off the the prostate in a bucket on the floor. I just wasn't willing to take a chance with it metastasizing to other areas of my body. I wasn't really that happy with some of the side effects, but I went for the peace of mind option.

Now everybody is different and the choice you make will be right for you, because you made it. Medical professionals will not say you should do one or the other. They only give you the options and possible outcomes and side effects. It sounds like you have time and you are not in imminent danger, so think about it. Discuss it with your family, but the ultimate decision is yours to make. Decide what suits you and don't look back.

My best wishes are with you!
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Re: Non modelling question

Post by bossy122 »

PeteJ, I am wondering what radiation treatment was like - what? 40 years ago? I was the unnamed person tubegenius mentioned. I had beam radiation, 28 "doses". With mine, they pin pointed where they wanted to hit....which was nowhere near my heart. No one ever mentioned future heart problems to me which makes me quite interested in what your radiation therapy entailed to compare to my experience.
To everyone else, keep track of your PSA levels. I had mine included in blood work where I was more concerned about diabetes and/or cholesterol. We were able to see the gradual climb until finally it went above 4, biopsy, cancer, radiation, PSA down to the 1s. Catch it early by paying attention.
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Re: Non modelling question

Post by Seiiki »

I am very sorry to hear that my friend. Hoping for a speedy recovery. Stay Strong!
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