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Re: Porsche 936 Turbo – Tamiya 1/24

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 3:54 pm
by gp-models
Very nice looking Jesus, enjoy your updates, keep it coming!

Re: Porsche 936 Turbo – Tamiya 1/24

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 9:44 pm
by JesusM
gp-models wrote:Very nice looking Jesus, enjoy your updates, keep it coming!
Little by little you will see all of them!!
Thanks for commenting! @gp-models!!!

Re: Porsche 936 Turbo – Tamiya 1/24

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 7:37 am
by JesusM
Siguiente actualización del proyecto 936 Turbo, y esta trae tela!! :wink:

Y como primera foto, os muestro como quedaría la parte del motor del coche que trae el kit. No es mucho, pero con unas buenas pinturas, el resultado es muy bueno. Aquí veis los dos turbo, con los escapes, y las abrazaderas realizadas con cinta aislante eléctrica, que le he añadido unas tiras de aluminio autoadhesivo que se usa para la instalación de aire acondicionado. Aun está sin pegar puesto que el chasis no está acabado, y también le faltan algunos cables y tubos que lleva el coche real.

Next update of the 936 Turbo project.

And as a first photo, I show you how the part of the car’s engine that comes with the kit would look. It is not much, but with good paints, the result is very good. Here you see the two turbo, with the exhausts, and the clamps made with electrical insulating tape, which I have added some self-adhesive aluminum strips that are used for the installation of air conditioning. It is still not pasted since the chassis is not finished, and it is also missing some cables and tubes that the real car carries.


Y ya que hablo del chasis, aquí os muestro su proceso: Primero, eliminamos las baras que traía en relieve.

And since I talk about the chassis, here I show you its process: First, we eliminate the bars that it brought in relief.


Preparamos una plancha para ocultar todo el conjunto de la dirección…:

We prepare a plastic sheet to hide the entire address set …:


Y la enmasillamos con putty verde acrílica por todos los lados!

And we put putty acrylic green putty on all sides!


Lijamos…Podemos observar el corte relizado para meter la barra del volante de la dirección:

We sanded it. We can see the cut made where we will put the steering wheel rod:


Y pasamos al backet. De primeras le eliminamos los huecos de la espalda para los cinturones, y el hueco en los pies del asiento del copiloto para unos tubos. A su vez, damos forma a los laterales del mismo.

And we go to the backet. At first we removed the holes in the back for the belts, and the hole in the feet of the passenger seat for some tubes. In turn, we shape the sides of it.


Y con masilla epoxy, le creo dos jorobas laterales:

And with epoxy putty, I create two side humps:


Una vez secas, las lijamos dejándolas en su correcta forma:

Once dry, we sand them leaving them in their correct form:


Aquí está colocado en el chasis:

Here it is placed on the chassis:


Detalles del cockpit:

A su vez, voy modificando más piezas: al volante le voy a remplazar su parte central por una en fotograbado, y a la palanca del cambio, le voy a añadir la pieza que permite girar dicha palanca:

Cockpit details:

At the same time, I am modifying more parts: at the steering wheel I am going to replace its central part with one in photoengraving, and I am going to add the part that allows the lever to rotate:


Aquí ya lo teneís cambiado:

Here you can have updated:


Y vamos con la carroceria. COmo había algunos errores en las calcas, decido barnizarla para pintar encima. Y uso la prediluida de Zero Paints. Le doy una capa finita, y después una húmeda después, quedando así de brillante:

And we go with the bodywork. As there were some errors in the decals, I decide to varnish it to paint over it. And I use the prediluted Zero Paints. I give it a thin layer, and then a wet one afterwards, remaining this shiny:






Pero alguna reacción me hizo en las calcas quedando de este modo en algunos sitios…..

But some reaction made it in the decals in some places being in this way…..


Por lo que decido comprar otro juego de calcas, y meter la carrocería en el baño de líquido de frenos, para empezar de nuevo

So I decided to buy another set of decals, and put the body in the brake fluid bath, to start again:


Después de 24 horas, parecía que segúia igual, pero al frotarla con el cepillo de dientes, empezó a despegarse todo, menos el putty!!

After 24 hours, it seemed to be the same, but when rubbing it with the toothbrush, everything started to come off, except the putty !!


Y voilá, aquí está una vez lavada con jabón!!

Y voilá, aquí está una vez lavada con jabón!!


Una pequeña rotura en las aberturas de la derecha:

A small break in the openings on the right:


Y aprovecho para eliminar alguans cosas que sustiruiré: esos dos trocitos de plástico y la barra vertical de la tapa del depósito!

And I take the opportunity to eliminate some things that I will replace: those two pieces of plastic and the vertical bar of the tank lid!


Otra pieza que voy a reemplazar es la luz que hay encima de la toma de aire:

Another part that I am going to replace is the light above the air intake:


Y le doy imprimación blanca tamiya, la del bote, para tapar algunas huellas o rasguños:

And I give it white tamiya primer, the one on the bottle, to cover some traces or scratches:


Este es el resultado, y lista para imprimar con Gravity:

This is the result, and ready to prime with Gravity:


Pues ya está lista , de nuevo, para la pintura blanca:

Well, it is ready, again, for white paint:





Lo siguiente será, la pintura blanca y seguir con el cockpit!

Gracias por mirar y comentar!

The next thing will be, the white paint and continue with the cockpit!

Thanks for looking and commenting!

Re: Porsche 936 Turbo – Tamiya 1/24

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 8:29 am
by JesusM
Parece que me están cundiendo las jornadas en la cueva en estos días!! Ya tengo la carrocería blanca y radiante, lista para barniz y calcas…de nuevo!!

It seems that I am spreading the days in the cave these days! I already have a white and radiant body, ready for varnish and decals … again !!


Una vez terminado de lijar y enmasillar la carrocería, la imprimo con Gravity:

After finishing sanding and caulking the body, I print it with Gravity:


Y una vez seca, la paso una esponja de lija de grano 2000, muy suave y después la pinto con Zero Brillante: 4 capas muy finas, cubriendo la carrocería poco a poco:

And once dry, I pass it a very soft 2000 grit sandpaper sponge and then I paint it with Zero Shining: 4 very thin layers, covering the body little by little:






Una lijadita con grano 2000 de nuevo y enmascaro para el rojo. En esta vez, he usado el rojo de Zero previsto para los colores de M-Sport, que es más fluo, más vivo, como es el rojo de las calcas nuevas de Shunko que tengo. El resultado, lo podéis ver en la foto de inicio.

A sandpaper with 2000 grit again and masking it for red. This time, I have used the red of Zero for the BMW M-Sport colors, which is more fluorescent, more vivid, as is the red of the new Shunko decals that I have. You can see the result in the body in the start photo.


Pasamos al interior. He realizado el entramado de tubos del interior, de la parte que se ve, pegado con cianocrilato:

We go inside. I have made the framework of tubes of the interior, from the part that is seen, glued with cyanoacrylate:


Asi es como queda en su sitio:

This is how it looks on its site:


Y pintamos: el asiento con negro texturizado de Zero, y en satinado el resto de la pieza. Los tubos, el conjunto y la palanca del cambio con Aluminio también de Zero.

And we painted it: the seat with Zero’s textured black, and in satin the rest of the piece. The tubes, the tubes set and the gear lever with Aluminum also from Zero.


Al negro granulado, le he aplicado una capa de barniz mate de Alclad, para darle el acabado correspondiente. Aquí lo vemos con el resto de las piezas (no están todas aun). También vemos la palanca con los colores definitivos:

I have applied a coat of Alclad matte varnish to the grainy black, to give it the corresponding finish. Here we see it with the rest of the pieces (they are not all yet). We also see the lever with the final colors:


Pasamos al chasis: Imprimación parcial aplicada con Gravity:

We go to the chassis: Partial primer applied with Gravity:


Y todos los bajos!

And all the basses!


En la parte del cockpit, pintamos de amarillo Kevlar de Zero como base de las calcas que tengo que poner (vemos los tubos en su lugar definitivo).

In the cockpit part, we paint Zero Kevlar yellow as the base of the decals that I have to put (we see the tubes in their final place).


Y aquí con los asientos. Se ven también los agujeros practicados para los cinturones laterales, y la trama texturizada del asiento:

And here it is with the seats. You can also see the holes made for the side belts, and the textured frame of the seat:


Enmascaramos y pintamos de negro semimate parte del chasis…

We mask and paint semi-matte black part of the chassis …


La parte trasera del chasis, también se ha pintado de negro semimate de Zero, siendo lo siguiente el color aluminio….que habrá que aplicar con difernetes tonos para diferenciar las piezas…..probaré con distintos acabados!!

The rear of the chassis has also been painted in Zero semi-matte black, being the color aluminium the following step… which will have to be applied with different shades to differentiate the parts ….. I will try different finishes !!


Unas de las piezas que eliminé de la carrocería en esta segunda etapa eran las pertenecientes a las palancas de extinción y del corta corriente. La de extinción, la sustituiré por una de resina de Scalelab, y el corta corriente, lo cogí del fotograbado del 936 de S27, lo doble un poco, y le añadí un tornillo por encima, y una tuerca por debajo. Está simplemente con la imprimación. Y a la antena, cogí la pase de la antena del kit, le ice un agujero, corté un tubo de 4mm y le pegué un trozo de plástico estirado. Decir que el plástico lo sustituí por un cable de metal.

Some of the parts that I removed from the bodywork in this second stage were those belonging to the extinguishing levers and the current cut-off. I will replace the extinguishing one, with a resin one from Scalelab, and, I took the power cut-off from the photoengraving of the S27 936, I bent it a little, and added a screw on top, and a nut on the bottom. It is simply with the primer in the picture. And to do the antenna, I took the antenna pass from the kit, made a hole in it, cut a 4mm tube and glued a piece of stretched plastic. Say that the plastic was replaced by a metal cable.


Mas detalles: el alerón trasero tiene un plano superior movible, y para fijarlo, tiene un dispositivo que se sujeta con el soporte vertical. Como base, uso plancha de cobre, tubos de cobre de 4mm y tubo de aluminio de 6mm exterior. Los tubos de cobre irán soldados a la pletina, en esos agujeros y …

More details: the rear wing has a movable upper plane, and to fix it, it has a device that is fixed with the vertical support. As a base, I use copper plate, 4mm copper tubes and 6mm aluminum outer tube. The copper tubes will be welded to the plate, in those holes and …


…y aquí tenemos el resultado: las pletinas dobladas y soldadas, con el tubo de cobre petido en el de aluminio, y al final, la pieza que irá pegada en el alerón. Al lado, la antena.

… and here we have the result: the bent and welded plates, with the petite copper tube in the aluminum tube, and at the end, the piece that will be glued to the spoiler. Next to it, the antenna.


Y esto es todo por hoy!!

Gracias por ver y comentar!

And that’s all by now!!

Thanks for viewing and commenting!

Re: Porsche 936 Turbo – Tamiya 1/24

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:24 am
by CK
Amazing scratch build wing linkage! The antenna also looks great.

Too bad you have to re-paint the body. I don't use clear coat on top for most of my cars just to avoid unnecessary damage to decals. I have switched to Tamyia acrylic (X-22) clear for top coats now. It is not as good as the others but it is very safe. I used to spray Future floor wax as clear coats but it tends to have micro cracks with time.

Looking forward to seeing your 936 finished.

Re: Porsche 936 Turbo – Tamiya 1/24

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 5:39 pm
by JesusM
CK wrote:Amazing scratch build wing linkage! The antenna also looks great.

Too bad you have to re-paint the body. I don't use clear coat on top for most of my cars just to avoid unnecessary damage to decals. I have switched to Tamyia acrylic (X-22) clear for top coats now. It is not as good as the others but it is very safe. I used to spray Future floor wax as clear coats but it tends to have micro cracks with time.

Looking forward to seeing your 936 finished.
Thanks for commenting CK, i'm happy you like it!!
I normally used it before the decals as i did now in the second "phase" (not showed yet) but i did it after the decals because i wanted to fix several errors i made with the decals, painting on rhe clear. But i apply the clear directly to the decals with no issues.

Re: Porsche 936 Turbo – Tamiya 1/24

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 6:26 pm
by Chumley

Honestly I wouldn't usually follow a WIP of a car such as this, but you have me hooked! Loving what you are doing here, and such a shame you had to strip it all back. I'm looking forward to seeing this one finished!

Re: Porsche 936 Turbo – Tamiya 1/24

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 5:13 am
by JesusM
Chumley wrote:Jesus,

Honestly I wouldn't usually follow a WIP of a car such as this, but you have me hooked! Loving what you are doing here, and such a shame you had to strip it all back. I'm looking forward to seeing this one finished!
Hi Chumley, your words make me increase my effort and my patient making models!! Thanks!! :D

Re: Porsche 936 Turbo – Tamiya 1/24

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 8:04 am
by gp-models
That`s again a superb update Jesus, i realy like what your doing here! :)
Shame that you had to strip the body again, but it`s nice to see that your doing some more additional stuff and details to it.
Any plans on detailing the fuel filler caps too? Maybe some metalworks? I´m not sure about N°4 but the sistercar had a "position"light on top of the Airbox, and there is something like a quickfastener or maybe another kill swith at the sistercar, a bit over the others like this pic is showing, again not sure if N°4 had it too.
Another point i`m not sure at N°4 is the position of the electric kill swith badge, on N°3 the triangle is upside down pointing, maybe someone else have a ref pic of N°4.


All over i enjoy this build a lot, it is such an old model and it is quiet impressing how much effort you put in the details to bring this model to a nowadays level!

Re: Porsche 936 Turbo – Tamiya 1/24

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 5:00 pm
by RE60B
hard work! keep on Jesus, love it