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No Canadian GP in '09

Looks like no North American GP in 2009...  


Autosport.com is reporting that the Canadian GP has been dropped for 2009.

So no races whatsoever in North America then, and just the Brazilian GP in South America at the end of the season.


PP Brake Disc

I just discovered a huge time saver when building the perfect parts brake disc set.  I am building the 12th scale McLaren MP4/6.  I finished the rear disks a few weeks ago and was not looking forward to starting the fronts.  Building the hub nuts takes a long time using the PE nut/washer and a pin.  There are 8 per disc.  This past week I received my first order from Sc

Forum Login Issues

UPDATE: I have tried another fix. Once again folks may need to log out, remove all F1M.com cookies, then log back in.

If you are having issues logging into the Forums, please post a comment here.   Also, let me know what your computer/browser configuration is...

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