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If you want a Forum account, you can register at: https://forum.f1m.com/ucp.php?mode=register

Alpha Model

Manufacturer of model kits.

Type of Resource

OMG Scaleworks

Car Model YouTube channel

Type of Resource
YouTube Channel

FineScale Modeler

FineScale Modeler Magazine' YouTube Channel

Type of Resource
YouTube Channel

Ziggy's Desk

F1, Motorcycles, and race car models.

Type of Resource
YouTube Channel

So What's Up on F1M.com?

So folks might have noticed that some things have changed recently, mostly on the non-Forum section of F1M.

I've updated the software that runs that portion of the site.  Its was going to need to happen at some point, and I will also need to do another update but I can wait on that.  I removed some of the old content, things like the Hobby Shop list, updated other content, like the F1 Kit Database, and created a new feature, the Resources.  F1M members can add or update information in these sections, its moderated so I'll need to give it a check before the changes appear.

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